How to play the board game Terraforming Mars

CREATELIFEONMARS.LeadacorporationandlaunchambitiousMarsterraformingprojects.Directmassiveconstructionworks,manageanduseyourresources, ...,InTerraformingMars,youplayoneofthosecorporationsandworktogetherintheterraformingprocess,butcompeteforgetting...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在App Store 上的「Terraforming Mars」

CREATE LIFE ON MARS. Lead a corporation and launch ambitious Mars terraforming projects. Direct massive construction works, manage and use your resources, ...

Terraforming Mars

In Terraforming Mars, you play one of those corporations and work together in the terraforming process, but compete for getting victory points that are awarded ...

Terraforming Mars (board game)

The game incorporates elements of resource management, engine building, and strategic planning. ... Players compete to earn the most victory points, which are ...

Terraforming of Mars

The terraforming of Mars or the terraformation of Mars is a hypothetical procedure that would consist of a planetary engineering project or concurrent ...

Terraforming Mars

In Terraforming Mars, you control a corporation with a certain profile. Play project cards, build up production, place your cities and green areas on the map, ...

Terraforming Mars

In Terraforming Mars, place your cards on the board and use them wisely: - Achieve a high Terraform Rating, by increasing the temperature and oxygen level or ...

Terraforming Mars on Steam

As terraforming progresses, more and more people will immigrate from Earth to live on the Red Planet. In Terraforming Mars, you control a corporation with a ...

Terraforming Mars Board Game

Venture into the cosmos with the Terraforming Mars board game. This space adventure captivates players with strategic gameplay that's perfect for game nights, ...

Terraforming Mars [基本] (英文版)



CREATELIFEONMARS.LeadacorporationandlaunchambitiousMarsterraformingprojects.Directmassiveconstructionworks,manageanduseyourresources, ...,InTerraformingMars,youplayoneofthosecorporationsandworktogetherintheterraformingprocess,butcompeteforgettingvictorypointsthatareawarded ...,Thegameincorporateselementsofresourcemanagement,enginebuilding,andstrategicplanning....Playerscompetetoearnthemostvict...